Prayer & Fasting
Leader: Bro. Charles Smallwood
The Prayer & Fasting Ministry started in 1998 with three Sisters as members. The Ministry meets every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. We grew to an average of 30 members, just before COVID19; including four brothers and five deacons in regular attendance. A few regular members are affiliated to other Baptist churches and denominations within the Portmore area. Since the COVID 19 pandemic, we have continued to pray in our homes each Wednesday.
Not only has the group grown numerically, but also spiritually. Care is taken to include requests from the church, and individual in our prayers. A wide range of issues are also accommodated in our prayers as we seek the Heart of God, including prayers for our nation, Government leaders, communities; the Church in general and all leaders; the unsaved; the security forces; hospitals and their staff; schools, students and teachers; youth; crime and violence; natural and man-made disasters, among other issues. The Word is usually shared by a member, giving encouragement, and stimulating our thoughts. Reserved members are encouraged, and several of them now fearlessly pray and share the Word. We are also blessed and encouraged by the presence of Pastor who regularly sits in, and shares a word.
It is not unusual for us to have persons from the Edgewater and surrounding communities ‘drop in’ to join in prayer, some bringing their immediate prayer requests. We thank God that He still heals and delivers, as we have witnessed God come through as a result of our prayers. Over the years, some prayer and Fasting regular visitors found a church home at Edgewater Baptist.
The members see themselves as one big family, who love, care and share for one another, as they pray and fellowship together and stand in the gap. To God be the Glory. At least half of our membership are retired persons, so social activities are part of the Ministry. In addition to an annual Christmas Social, the group has travelled to several recreational sites, like the Bath Fountain Mineral Springs in St. Thomas, the Castleton Botanical Gardens. There is also birthday recognition at the end of each month, where a small token is provided. The group members also support each other at funerals, and visit those who are sick or shut in.
Our wish as a Church is that many more persons will become interested in the Prayer and Fasting Ministry and that God will continue to bless this group as they continue to stand in the gap in service to Our Lord and Master, Christ Jesus. It is truly a blessing to have this Ministry in our Church.
We share some excerpts from testimonies from the family …
“the group has been a tower of strength to me”
“I cannot wait for a Wednesday to come”
“a togetherness…there is a bond to all,”
“I am more forgiving, humble and less judgmental to my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus”
“sweet fellowship, we have something special to look forward to each Wednesday”
“words cannot tell what joy, comfort and sharing it has been, such a wonderful blessing to be part of the group”
“when one is absent, they are missed…”
“to be on one accord with the Lord.“