President: SIs. Ingrid Harewood
1st Vice President: Sis. Paulette Smith
2nd Vice President: Sis. Lorraine Kidd
The Women’s Federation is an auxiliary of the Church, which is organized and operated by the women of the church. The motto is “Seek, Save, Serve”. The Edgewater Baptist group was formed in April 1978, soon after the establishment of the church. The first President was Sis. Henretha Baxter. The current President is Dea. Winsome Rose, Immediate Past President is Sis. Pamrie Dwyer and the 2nd Vice President is Sis. Charlene Pennant.
The current membership is 88. New members are enrolled each year in May and seven (7) new members are expected to be enrolled in May 2021. The Auxiliary meets on 2nd Sundays after worship service; however, since COVID-19 we have been meeting virtually via Zoom.
The role and function of the auxiliary is to provide financial, social and spiritual needs of the women and girls of the church. During their annual visits to the homes managed by the Jamaica Baptist Union, the Women’s Federation make supplies and monetary contributions to aid in the operations of the Horizon Home for adults and the Garland Hall Home for children.
The major fundraising activity of the Women’s Federation is entitled “Brukins”. This is held annually to commemorate the National Heritage Week celebrations in October. This activity includes a heritage display of artifacts during the day, entertainment for the children, the sale of Jamaican condiments and dishes and a themed concert in the evening.
We continue to rely on our Creator to live out our motto: “Seek, Save, Serve”.